SaaS Partnerships Team Lead

The Nuances of Partnering with SEO's and SEO platforms w/ Semrush

Alex Glenn
April 1, 2022
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SaaS Partnerships Team Lead
April 1, 2022

The Nuances of Partnering with SEO's and SEO platforms w/ Semrush

If you can't show $10K in reciprocal value for your partners in the first 6 months, you shouldn't be asking for partnership.

Every type of digital agency has unique relationships with their software stack. Implementation partners for major platforms like HubSpot and Salesforce sit between the product and the internal team who ends up using it. And when you look into agencies whose revenue exists on top of technology the client may never know about, let alone log into, their partnership with those platforms is highly nuanced. This causes some frustrations for the partner teams at said software who struggle making their programs work around the platform that is only managed by the agency partner.

One such platform is Semrush - the suite of SEO tools used by agencies like our guest today to power enterprise-grade services with 6-figure monthly retainers. So, how does the partnership work between these two entities?

To find out, I asked Brian Moseley, former HubSpot, former Databox, now Director of Channel Sales at Semrush to bring one of his favorite digital agency partners (Marty Martin, Founder, CEO at LOCOMOTIVE Agency) onto the podcast to help us understand: 

  • What makes a world class partnerships org like HubSpot, Databox and Semrush.
  • How to launch partner programs around sub-products like SplitSignal by Semrush. 
  • What drew Marty into the “partnership” originally - what Brian / Semrush did well. 
  • How Marty makes the case to devote time/resources to a new partnership. 
  • How much value Marty places on the partnership bringing thought leadership.
  • Brian’s criteria for qualifying an agency to take down the partnerships track.
  • A great qualifying question Brian asks potential partners to make this decision.
  • Marty’s take on successful partnerships activities. 
  • How much of a factor communication is in the success of a new partnership. 
  • Why it’s always best to start with a small set of core partners.
  • Why SEO agencies are very skeptical of “Partnerships” in general.
  • Final recap of what partner teams and other SEO’s can learn from this agency and their partnership with Semrush.

This is another great episode I think your team will benefit from no matter your relationship with partnerships. 


SplitSignal Enterprise SEO Split-Testing:

Surround Sound for Search Reputation Management:


Sendoso - The leading sending platform.

Partnerstack - Partner tracking and payouts.

Reveal - A free account mapping solution.

Episode Transcript

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